About MM Escola d’Idiomes in Masquefa
We offer a wide range of high quality English courses and extra-curricular activities delivered by native teachers.
About MM Escola d’Idiomes
MM Escola d’Idiomes is a distinctive school both for its reputation of quality and because it is a vibrant community. Moreover, we really encourage, support and develop students to embrace their full potential.
The school is known for the quality of its teaching with over 25 years experience. As well as for the breadth of its curriculum. We want all our students to enjoy and be stimulated by the process of language learning. As a result, to feel confident to use their new language skills.
We are a passionate and purposeful place where students can enjoy the process of education. additionally, we provide support to develop as multilingual individuals. MM Escola d’Idiomes is a school that specializes in teaching languages. Therefore, we are open to students of all levels and ages from 4 years (P4) to adults.
We offer a learning environment that opens doors to the world. Thus, our students embark on a journey with us to discover the potential they have inside. From the passion for languages and our ability to promote curiosity and enthusiasm. Likewise, we work to give each student a unique experience in learning languages.
The methodology that we implement at MM Escola d’Idiomes is varied. However, we are always consistent with the objectives of language learning and assessment methods included in the curriculum.
The Methodology meets our basic premises set out below:
We provide a good educational model and language teaching that encourages students to learn the language in a communicative context. As a result, we achieve by teaching the language as well as making it the most commonly used language. In our classrooms we maintain the motivation for students to express themselves in the language. Therefore, they learn by giving a meaningful and functional use. Consequently, this leads to the optimal development of communicative competence in the language they learned.
Attention to diversity
We implement methodologies appropriate to each age group according to their evolutionary characteristics. Coupled with adaption once in the group to the individual characteristics of our students to extract their full potential. In our classrooms we take into account the ability to learn from each student. Furthermore, their motivations and their own interests and learning style to optimize performance.
Individualized attention
We create the best conditions in the classroom to provide individual attention to all our students. This is why our groups are small and a maximum of 8 students per class. In this way the teacher is able to thoroughly monitor the learning process of each of their students. Hence, the large number of interactions between students and between students and teachers.
Student protagonists
The student is the protagonist of the learning process so it is important to be aware of their own progress. We provide our students with a Portfolio. That is, a tool for monitoring the learning process. Ultimately, a reflection and evaluation which helps students to be more independent. With it the student can be formulated to reflect on their initial objectives and to compare them with the actual results achieved.
Materials and resources
The materials we use are selected and/or created by our teaching staff based on a certain criteria of academic rigor. As a result, they encourage active and participatory methodology of students. Consequently it ensures the achievement of the content contained in the Common European Framework for Languages. In addition, we include innovative resources such as new information technologies and communication in the development of our sessions.
Official Accreditation
We are an official Cambridge University Exam Preparation Center. accordingly, you can trust that we are highly capable to prepare each student for the exam they require. Below describes the Cambridge Exams available and the corresponding level with regards to the ‘Common European Framework of Reference’ (CEFR). We are very proud to be also a Cambridge Learning Partner (Centre: CPL0086). As a result, this accreditation ensures we deliver the best in terms of curriculum, teaching and use of best practices. As one of the first schools in Spain to receive this acknowledgement of high standards. consequently, it shows our school to be an industry leader in Language Education.
Check out some of our latest class photos on Instagram
Student Development
Student Development is a main component at our school, as such we invest considerably in this area.
Students are provided with a varied and dynamic curriculum produced by Cambridge University. We then develop that further and with more flexibility thanks to our highly skilled team to bring to life the topics and themes throughout the course. Students are provided with books to allow for a structured and academic approach, they will also experience different approaches to learning utilizing modern technologies and more naturist approaches. One of our more recent examples of new technology is the introduction of Virtual Reality headsets, students can experience English orientated activities and specialized lessons in Virtual Reality. We also develop more naturalist activities, where we take outdoor walking excursions through the local area and complete activities as small groups. All these activities are tried and tested by our pedagogic team and are highly enjoyed by our students.
Marking student work ensures we can monitor their progress and development correctly and allows us to intervene at the earliest possible stage to provide additional support and guidance. We have a simple but effective 4 stage marking system out of 10 points throughout our school for kids and teens consisting of;
Excellent (10 – 9.1) – Pass(9 – 7.1) – Review (7 – 5.1) – Repeat (5 – 0)
On completion of each unit our students are awarded a grade by their teacher. We can then easily identify a student who may require additional support which we provide for free at no further cost. Student development is our priority and we care about the success of all our students. In addition to this marking system we also review every student’s level at the end of term to ensure students are in the most appropriate classes starting the next September course. We put a large emphasis on fun in the classrooms so students rarely realize they are being assessed, this is key to maintaining a relaxed and stress free environment meaning only if additional support is required are parents and students informed.
We have an awards event where our top achievers (kids & teens) are presented with a ‘Certificate of Achievement’ and are given a prize for all their hard work. All our very young students are presented with a ‘Certificate of Completion’ to recognize their contribution to class and to maintain motivation.
We aim to share the best of what we do by awarding yearly scholarships to the local community. The scholarship is for 1 full academic year with material provided by the school completely free of charge. We present 2 scholarships, 1 for primary children and 1 for high school teenagers. The scholarships are selected randomly by a lottery event held in June.
School Development
The professional development of our school and our teaching team is paramount to the quality of education each student receives. For this reason we continuously engage in development activities.
All our highly qualified teachers engage in Continuing Professional Development (CPD), this requires them to follow a clear plan of development decided by the school together with the teacher. We carry out CPD through several different means, classroom observations by the Director of Studies or from a fellow teacher which then includes feedback. We encourage teachers to attend seminars and workshops to keep up to date with best practices, we also provide external accredited courses to maintain a high standard of education in our school.
School development is carried out annually. We invite our qualified Educational Psychologist to visit and audit the school in all areas from Administration to Education, we then receive a performance review with recommendations which we try to implement for the next academic courses starting in September. We have regular team meetings where we discuss best practices, we listen to recommendations from all our team. We are always happy to hear suggestions from our students and parents of students.
Check out our English courses now
English Courses for Adults
Our English courses for Adults provide an excellent opportunity for a full immersion experience in a relaxed and fun environment.
English Courses for Teens
Our English courses for Teens provide an excellent opportunity for a full immersion experience in a fun and creative environment.
English Courses for Kids
Our English courses for kids provide an excellent opportunity for a full immersion experience in a fun and creative environment.
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