English Courses at MM Escola d’Idiomes
We offer a wide range of high quality english courses and extracurricular activities.
English Courses for Kids
Our English courses for kids provide an excellent opportunity for a full immersion experience in a fun and creative environment.
Summer School for Kids
Our summer school for primary students in July are full mornings at our school working on different themed projects each week.
Extracurricular for Schools
Our extracurricular English program is designed for public schools and AMPA where we attend and deliver a more creative course.
Business English Courses
Our Business English courses designed to help you navigate the complex structures and procedures within the business world.
English Courses for Adults
Our English courses for Adults provide an excellent opportunity for a full immersion experience in a relaxed and fun environment.
English Courses for Teens
Our English courses for Teens provide an excellent opportunity for a full immersion experience in a fun and creative environment.
English Courses for Kids
Our English courses for kids provide an excellent opportunity for a full immersion experience in a fun and creative environment.
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Become Part of our fantastic educational project and as a result see your language skills develop