Terms & Conditions
Please read our company privacy policy and our school terms and conditions.
Legal Notice
The content of this site, ‘mm-idiomes.com’, is to inform about the activities, products and services that SoFLA International S.L. Under the trademark MM School of Languages, offers and to deliver it in accordance with the established general terms and conditions and to facilitate the operations that people in general may have in this regard.
SoFLA International S.L. No responsibility or response of the content or information on the web pages of third parties connected by links to the pages of SoFLA International S.L. These links are intended to inform and not represent the vision and / or opinion expressed by SoFLA International S.L.
This website contains material owned or licensed for SoFLA International S.L. This material includes, but is not limited to, design, appearance and graphics. The reproduction, copying, use, distribution, commercialization, public communication or any other activity that can be done with the content of this site ‘mm-idiomes.com’ is prohibited without express authorization.
The unauthorized use of this website may result in a claim for damages and / or constitute an offense.
Terms & Conditions
The terms and conditions constitute the preliminary information set on the services offered by MM School of Languages (Commercial Brand of SoFLA International S.L.) and form an integral part of the contract. These conditions apply after receipt of the registration form, validated by the respective reservation confirmation, issued by Sofla International S.L.
Registration And Cancellation
Registration to any service offered by the MM School of Languages must be done through the registration form available both in the school and in mm-idiomes.com and must be filled in and signed in the same school.
The inscription specifies the method of payment chosen by the consumer for the service requested. Sofla International S.L. Reserves the right to cancel any registration or reservation if the periods of payment established in the registration are not respected. In the case of choosing the direct debit method, the expenses produced by the return of receipts will be paid by the consumer.
All cancellations must be notified in writing and delivered to the school. The consumer will not be entitled to any refund when, once the service has started, he will leave it.
Rates And Discounts
The rates for the different courses offered at the MM School of Languages are reviewed and published periodically on the page mm-idiomes.com and at the same school.
At the beginning of each course, the amount of the tuition must be made effective. It covers all the necessary material for the completion of the course.
If the entire course is paid at the beginning of the course, a 10% discount applies.
If different members of the same family (parents / children) simultaneously reserve a course at the MM School of Languages, a 5% discount applies.
School Calendar
The school will be closed on holidays (national and regional). These, along with the holidays can be consulted at the school and on the calendar of the website mm-idiomes.com
School Bookings
Sofla International S.L. Reserves the right to modify aspects of its services if there are objective reasons that justify it. In this case, the consumer will be offered a service with the same conditions or better to the initials.
Sofla International S.L. The right to expel the consumer is reserved without the right to a refund if it does not meet the performance standards established by the rules of coexistence of the MM School of Languages.
Responsibility Of The Consumer
The consumer and / or legal guardians are liable for any damage or harm caused to MM School of Languages, their employees and their clients, and are expected to pay all of the expenses directly incurred to the affected organization or Affected individual.
Data Protection
Sofla International S.L. Guarantees compliance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data. It also informs that the personal data provided will be incorporated into a file (being responsible and holder of Sofla International S.L.) for commercial and operational purposes thereof. Acceptance of these conditions implies your consent to carry out said treatment and for its use with the aforementioned purposes.
Sofla International S.L. Informs of the possibility of exercising the rights of access, rectification and cancellation of personal data in the terms established in the current legislation, by means of its communication to the email address info@sofla.eu
These terms and general conditions are subject to the provisions of Spanish legislation and, in particular, Royal Decree 1/2007, of November 16, which approves the revised text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users, Forcing the parties, for their acceptance, their fulfillment.
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